Why Should You Install a Video Door Phone System?

Someone has rightly said, “There is nothing more important than a good, safe and secure home.” We all aim for a safe home and protection of our family. Whether we are home or out for work, the thought of “Is everything alright?” lingers in our mind constantly. As we all know, technology is leading all the fields through the latest developments. And, home safety is not left behind. With video door phones, you can always have a supervisory body that keeps a constant vigil to protect your home. As compared to traditional methods of hiring a security guard, keeping a watchdog, etc, a video door phone system is economical as well as reliable. Besides being affordable, the video door phone offers a plethora of benefits which make this system worth installing. So, to make this clearer, given below are some interesting points regarding why should you install a video door phone system.

Safety & Security

Let’s start with the most obvious challenge – employing security guards is expensive. It’s a never-ending flow of money that your organisation is wasting on a job that could be automated by using a robust people and vehicle access solution.

So, why spend all this money for manned gatehouses when long-range solutions are an effective and cost-efficient alternative?


Smart Monitoring

Let’s start with the most obvious challenge – employing security guards is expensive. It’s a never-ending flow of money that your organisation is wasting on a job that could be automated by using a robust people and vehicle access solution.

So, why spend all this money for manned gatehouses when long-range solutions are an effective and cost-efficient alternative?


Easy Access

Let’s start with the most obvious challenge – employing security guards is expensive. It’s a never-ending flow of money that your organisation is wasting on a job that could be automated by using a robust people and vehicle access solution.

So, why spend all this money for manned gatehouses when long-range solutions are an effective and cost-efficient alternative?


Connected and Smart Homes

Let’s start with the most obvious challenge – employing security guards is expensive. It’s a never-ending flow of money that your organisation is wasting on a job that could be automated by using a robust people and vehicle access solution.

So, why spend all this money for manned gatehouses when long-range solutions are an effective and cost-efficient alternative?


Record Maintaining

Let’s start with the most obvious challenge – employing security guards is expensive. It’s a never-ending flow of money that your organisation is wasting on a job that could be automated by using a robust people and vehicle access solution.

So, why spend all this money for manned gatehouses when long-range solutions are an effective and cost-efficient alternative?


Easy Installation

Vehicle theft went through the roof by up to 60% in the UK between 2016 and 2019, and it keeps rising. With solutions like TRANSIT and booster tags, it will be practically impossible to steal vehicles from premises, as the vehicle simply won’t be granted exit without the accompanying ID card.